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Tom Sluis
Position: Staff reporter

Swim suits, not birthday, OK for hot springs

Dear Action Line: With Trimble Hot Springs renovations including multiple pools, will any be clothing-optional? – Body Positive Dear Positive: Bryan Yearout, one of the new owner...

Chief’s depiction a sign of the times

Dear Action Line: If a 40-foot unflattering caricature of a white person was used to advertise a Durango business, what would the sign look like and what kind of business would it be? – Fair...

Durango’s tree huggers now smell-turriffic

Dear Action Line: What is the bright yellow flame burning from the metal chimney at the city’s water reclamation facility? Is it methane from, well, you know? There was no hint of the old sm...

How would James Madison handle an epidemic of selfish jerkiness?

Dear Action Line: What gives regarding the disregard some folks feel about wearing masks to reduce COVID-19 transmission in their communities? Is it really a fear of losing some constitution...

County’s Shrek grass weathers COVID-19

Dear Action Line: The grass in the parks and baseball fields throughout the city, and at the fairgrounds, look like they may have been hit hard by COVID-19. Just curious as to if the sprinkl...

Have your COVID-19 cake and eat it, too

Dear Action Line: If we have a birthday party at work and the birthday boy blows out the candles, can we still eat the cake even though it may have been doused with COVID-19? – Hungry but co...

When dealing with miller moths, go batty

Dear Action Line: How can we eradicate those fuzzy gray moths that are everywhere these days? We are infested with them. – Swarmed Dear Swarmed: Those are most likely the miller m...

Filling the dog days of COVID-19

Dear Action Line: What am I supposed to do with all this unemployment money I’m getting but cannot spend because all the businesses are closed? – Cash hoarder Dear Hoarder: Do wha...

Don’t scratch that grass itch at Santa Rita Park just yet

Dear Action Line: Can I run on the new grass at Santa Rita Park? How about now? Now can I run on that grass? How about now? Can I? Can I? Can I? – Itching To Go Dear Itching: The ...

Extend olive branch to trim tree

Dear Action Line: My neighbor’s tree has branches that extend into my yard. Can I cut them? – Branching out. Dear Branching: Action Line does not condone violence of any kind. ...

Action Line returns, none the wiser

So, you’re back? Yep: 16 years was a sufficient sabbatical from writing Action Line. Well, what in the holy heck were you doing? The usual. Playing musical ...